Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

They say "All good things must come to an end". I am not sure who "they" happen to be...but it appears "they" are correct.

Today was my last blog for Inland Empire Family Magazine.  2009 will bring a new blogging team to the magazine and website. I hope that they will enjoy their new adventure as much as I did. I know I will be reading.

This past year has been so much fun. It has been a great privilege to be a "mini-mini-celebrity" in the I.E. I love sharing my life with the readers which is why I decided to continue blogging. I never imagined myself being a blogger and yet, here I am...blogging again. What can I say, it's fun!

I am glad to have you on this new adventure. It is excited to have you come along. The site will have an official launch in January. When the craziness of the holidays has slowed down a bit.

I very thankful and grateful to Churm Media and all the people that help to create the website and magazine (Jeff, Kathleen, Colleen, Kim, Craig, Amy, Kristen and the list goes on). To have had the privilege to work with amazing moms such as Monica, Aileen, Kathleen and Lily...well, what can I say the "Original Mom Squad" R-O-C-K-S!

With only 2 days left before the big guy in the red suit arrives...my life is a whirlwind of activity. Trying to get all the food prepared, cookies baked, last minute presents to buy and on and on...I hardly have time to breath. But I love it!

I am giddy with anticipation for 2009. I am eager to see what the Lord has in store for me.  My goal is to continue to home school and work in ministry at my church. As long as God will use me I hope to remain involved in women's and kid's ministry at church and we only 11 1/2 more years of home school....so I think we are good there.

This will be the first year...in a long time...that both sides of the family will be attending Christmas Eve services together. I am very excited about that. The twins will be part of the children's choir. They are so jazzed about singing in front of everyone! What can I say it's in their blood.

Christmas is a time for forgiveness and fellowship and I hope that you'll find that joy this year. I have listed some great churches that have amazing Christmas Eve services. I pray that you'll attend one of them.

Wishing each of you the most amazing CHRISTmas and New Year. 

Hope to see you in my Mailbox,
"The" IE Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine Thanks for inviting me into your blogosphere! I look forward to reading you blog over the next year. You are welcome to read mine as well although I can tell you right now its not very organized. - Joanna Christiansen
