Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

2009! Do you remember the drama of 2000? So what do you do to ring in the new year? Are you a resolution maker? Do you determine to lose weight, clean out the garage, be organized? What?

I am a believer in creating goals but not really a fan of resolutions. This year, though, I have decided that I need to learn to be more disciplined. Of course, discipline is not something that is easily learned. How necessary it is though, don't you think?

I mean...with out discipline how do you create the quiet time you need with the Lord? How do you set boundaries for yourself or your children? How do you create time for your self, for exercise or date nights?

If you know me, then you know all about my "master calendar". It is a sort of running joke with my friends, but I need that calendar without it I am not even sure I know the right way to breathe, lol.

With that calendar in mind I decided that this year I need discipline. You see it is easy to schedule in daily quiet time or exercise but it is just as easy to cross if off the list or move it to the next day.

I want to grow as a Christian woman....I desire to be the Proverbs 31 women and lead my children to a meaningful, life-altering relationship with God. I want to be the helpmate that God created me to be for my husband (Genesis 2:18).

I can only be those things when my time with the Lord is first and foremost. When it is what I desire and crave for first thing in the morning. Are you in that position? Is the Lord's word what you crave for first thing in the morning?

Being thinner, being healthier, more patient, more discerning, more calm and on and on....can only begin with the One who knows me intimately, my creator (Psalm 139).

Yes, I have a lot of goals for 2009. I am so excited because it seems like He is creating my schedule to be freed of so much that I get goose bumps thinking what He will put in those free times. I am excited because my daughters are becoming little girls and getting a true grasp of the world around them. Baby questions are being replaced with real adult observations. I am excited because I am married to a man of God. One who values me and loves me...even when we argue! Yikes, don't gasp of course, we argue! I am excited because I love my church and the friends God has placed in my life. I am excited because I have a family that is close.

But I am excited because this year belongs to Him!

Happy New Year....I pray that every blessing of God's will be yours.

IE Mommy
(a.k.a. MamaHawk)

1 comment:

  1. That was such a beautiful perspective! I liked it much better than any of my "resolutions", of which I actually had none, lol! I'm with, You spoke my heart :)
